Elimination 160 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Super Lightweight MMA Bout between JOSE GOMEZ & PARKER FORD. From the Feb
Elimination 165 lbs MMA TITLE FIGHT 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's AVM 15 continues with an Elimination Super Lightweight MMA Title Bout between JESSE BROOKSHIRE vs PARKER FO
King of Sparta Quarter-Finals: Pro 130 lbs. Boxing - Cody Durden vs Justin Parker Bout #4 of 7 Sparta Sports and Entertainment presents AVM 10/King of Sparta Super Flyweight Series at the Budweiser
Pro 125lbs MMA Anthony Salazar vs Justin Parker Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Combat Series 1. From March 22, 2019 at the Jeff Co Fairgrounds Arena in Golden, CO. Vis
Elimination 145lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Day Show continues with an Elimination Featherweight MMA Bout between MICHAEL CAMPBELL VS NICK STEWART.
Huber vs Johnson Highlights
Fight of the Night from Sparta Combat Leagues Redemption Saturday Feb 22 2014 Army Ranger Nicholi Navarro vs Adam Vigil @155lbs www.spartacombatmma.com
King of Sparta Tournament Quarter-Finals Fight 2 of 7 Elimination 135 lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's AVM 15 continues with the King of Sparta Striker's Grand Prix
Elimination 170 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with an Elimination Welterweight MMA Bout between DEVIN MCGINLEY VS DATHAN LLOYD.
Elimination 132 lbs Muay Thai Title Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 96's Main Card kicks off with the Fight Of The Night for the Sparta Lightweight Muay Thai Title
Full pro prelim bout between Damon Donald VS. Kallum Parker at #cw176 Glasgow! Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Buy Cage Warriors merchandis
Elimination 125lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Day Show continues with an Elimination Flyweight MMA Bout between JACOB COCHRAN VS NICK GARCIA. From th
Pro 140 lbs Boxing: Alex Saenz vs Omar Gonzalez Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Boxing Fight Night at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds Event Center in Aurora, CO on Apr 13
110 lbs Muay Thai Fight 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Elimination Atomweight Muay Thai Fight featuring KATYA KADYSCHUK VS SHANNON LEI. Fr