Amateur Featherweight bout
Amateur Light Heavyweight Bout
Blood pumping caged boxing displayed by Brendon Moore and Matt Pepper. Comment what you think!
Amateur European Welterweight title bout
Professional Bantamweight bout
Amateur Flyweight Championship bout
Professional Lightweight bout
Featherweight Amateur Bout
Amateur welterweight bout
Lightheavyweight amateur bout
Former UK Number 1 ranked Featherweight amateur, Callum Mullen steps up to the Professional ranks against seasoned Lithuanian Meistavich.
Originally scheduled for a MMA fight Tom Mullen takes a short notice boxing bout against the seasoned Reece Murray in this Caged Boxing fight.
This is the first time a female MMA fight has featured on the Caged Steel card. It was definitely action packed! Watch MMA prospect Amy Derwanz as she takes on Paige Garside. Fight in association w
After a successful run on the English Muay Thai circuit and even having fought in Thailand, Kobe Christopher tries his hand at MMA against Halifax's Jordan Wheater.
Brad Kittrick continues to impress at Caged Steel earning his second stoppage of the year in this Lightweight bout.