Francis Heagney vs Zack Jones -BAMMA 1
BAMMA Newcastle welterweight bout between Josh 'Power' Plant and Justin Burlinson.
In BAMMA London's main event fierce rivals Alex 'Da Kid' Lohore takes on 'Mr Bag & Tag' Nathan Jones for the vacant BAMMA Welterweight title.
BAMMA Newcastle feature prelim middleweight bout between Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Louis 'KO' King. For info & event details visit
Aaron 'The Joker' Chalmers aims for three straight victories in front of his vocal home crowd at BAMMA Newcastle against tough Londoner Karl 'Shifty'Donaldson. For info & event details visit BAMMA.
BAMMA Newcastle main card lightweight bout between Colin 'Freakshow' Fletcher & Anthony 'La Masse' Dizy. For info & event details visit
BAMMA Newcastle prelim bout between Curt 'The War' Warburton and Warren 'Bodysnatcher' Kee. For info and event details visit
'Mr Bag & Tag' Nathan Jones Vs. Walter 'The Sniper' Gahadza Welterweight fight from BAMMA 27 Main Card, held at the 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland on December 16th 2016.
UFC Veteran Mason Jones returns to the cage this Saturday in Dublin at #CW161... GET TICKETS: WATCH ON UFC FIGHT PASS:
Riki Fukuda vs Jason Jones
Nathan Coy vs Jerrod Jones - SF 22
Georgi fights Jese Ortiz Saturday at Commerce Casino under the promotion BAMMA USA
Bryan Jones Jr. vs. Justin Lee Fowler CageQuest 1
Broken Leg Dislocated Knee
Rage in the Cage 1 - Ross Jones VS Brad Thomas (AMA.B) SHAREFIGHT.COM.mp4
Jon Jones vs Parker Porter WCF
Jon Jones' fifth fight.