Valor 54 Fight 11 Martino Vs Ferhatbegovic
Valor 25 Fight 10 Tiffani Jenkins Vs Kimberly West
VALOR Championship Boxing 8 bout between Rocky Lange and Buddy Mackie.
Valor 47 Spot
Valor Fights 31 Justin Granville vs El Bertus
Valor 45 Dark Match 2 Geoff Phillips vs Charlie Durham (Amateur Muay Thai)
Legacy Fight 9 Chase Olsen vs EJ Hunt
Valor 54 Fight 13 Morgan Vs Parker
Border Wars Fight 10 Mihalec
Valor Fights 31 Jill Myers vs Chealsea Shaheen
Valor Fights 23 Fight 1 Randy Stamey Vs Tim Boyle
Valor 28 Fight 9 Michael Foster Vs Lee Poke
Valor Fights 31 James Garmany vs John Allen Rd 1
Valor Fights 31 Billy Swanson vs Tim Johnson
VALOR 18 All-Pro 2 Featherweight Bout between James Adcock and Billy Mullins