Elim. 125 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's event weekend continues with an Elimination Flyweight MMA bout featuring AUNDRE ROSS VS TYREE WOOLFOLK. From the August 24,
Pro 145 lbs MMA Bout 3 Rounds / 5 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Pro Featherweight MMA Bout featuring CHRISTIAN HIGHTOWER VS BIZJHAN BAHADORI. From the
185 lbs MMA Title Fight 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Elimination Middleweight MMA Title Fight featuring XAVIER VASQUEZ VS CHRISTOPHER CO
Elim. 165 lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's event weekend continues with an Elimination Middleweight Boxing bout featuring KALEB SLAYTON VS JT RAMIREZ. From the Augu
MMA action from Sparta Combat League's January 26th SCL71:King of Sparta Bantamweight Series Show. Visit www.spartacombatleague.com for upcoming event details, tickets, merchandise, PPV, and more.
Heavyweight MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 19 continues in the cage during night 2 of our 2-night event weekend. This is an Elimination Heavyweight MMA bout b
Elimination 205 lbs Muay Thai Nemanja Jokic vs Roman Marquez Sparta Sports and Entertainment presents SPARTA 73. From March 23, 2019 at the Jeff Co Fairgrounds Arena in Golden, CO. Visit www.Spart
Elimination 170 lbs Boxing: Jude Ortega v Daniel Diaz 3 Rounds Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Fight Night at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Arena in Golden, CO on Ma
PRO 165 lbs Boxing 6 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's event weekend continues with an PRO Middleweight Boxing bout featuring JESUS VELASCO ALCAZAR VS ANTHONY SOTO. From the Augu
SCL 70: Joey Garcia vs Edwin Chavez Elimination MMA bout from the Sparta Combat League December 1, 2018 Combat Sports Show at the National Western Complex in Denver, CO. Visit www.spartacombatleagu
135 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 19 continues in the cage during night 2 of our 2-night event weekend. This is an Elimination Bantamweight MMA bout betw
155 lbs MMA Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Elimination Lightweight MMA Bout featuring MICHAEL CAMPBELL VS JACE GRAVES. From the Novem
160 lbs MMA Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Elimination Super Lightweight MMA Bout featuring PARKER FORD VS MATTHEW LALONE. From the N