GLORY 11 Chicago: Gokhan Saki vs Rico Verhoeven
GLORY 11 Chicago: Daniel Ghita vs Anderson Silva
GLORY 11 Chicago: Errol Zimmerman vs Hesdy Gerges
FULL VIDEO of Rico Verhoeven vs Mladen Brestovac fighting for the Heavyweight Title at GLORY 28 Paris. SUBSCRIBE for updates!
FULL VIDEO of Giga Chikadze vs Kevin VanNostrand in the co-headline fight at GLORY 27 Chicago. SUBSCRIBE now for updates!
FULL VIDEO of Robert Thomas vs Wayne Barrett in the middleweight contender tournament at GLORY 27 Chicago. SUBSCRIBE now for updates!
FULL VIDEO of Antoine Pinto vs. Harut Grigorian in the finals of the welterweight contender tournament from GLORY 44 Chicago.
Full fight video of Rico Verhoeven vs. Jamal Ben Saddik for the GLORY Heavyweight Title from the main of event of GLORY: Redemption!
GLORY 11 Superfight Series: Gabriel Varga vs Jose Palacios
GLORY 11 Superfight Series: Filip Verlinden vs Saulo Cavalari
GLORY Kickboxing Heavyweight Champ Rico Verhoeven takes on Koichi in this 2008 kickboxing throwback. 08.09.2008 Be sure to save the 30th of January, 2021, as Rico Verhoeven takes on Jamal Ben Saddik
Rico Verhoeven takes on Tarik Khbabez in the heavyweight tournament final at GLORY 77. 20210130
Rico Verhoeven takes on Hesdy Gerges in the opening round of the heavyweight tournament at GLORY 77. 20210130
Watch Collision 3 LIVE only at: Rico Verhoeven takes a main event exhibition match against exciting rising star Ismael Lazaar at GLORY 41. 2017.05.20 #Ric
Watch Collision 3 LIVE only at: The Prince of Kickboxing (before he became King) Rico Verhoeven takes on fellow up and comer Jhonata Diniz at GLORY 7. 2013