MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Sean Guzman (3-4), representing Fight Academy and Mathew Ma (0-0), representing Submission Factory. The bout
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Alexandria Whitlock (0-0), representing Fight Academy and Diana Manzanares (0-2), representing Adrenaline FC.
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Martin Naborowski (0-0), representing Fight Academy and Daniel Bermudez (0-0), representing Sweat Shop. The b
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Eduardo Estrada (4-0), representing Sityodtong and Ahmad Mabrok (2-0), representing TRU MMA. The bout took pl
MMA GALLA Vol.17 Odense - 10/2-24 Amateur fight - B-class Catchweight: -62.0 kg (137 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.21 Nakskov - 28/09-24 Amateur fight - B-class Featherweight: -65,8 kg (145 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.19 Aalborg - 18/05-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: -65.8 kg (145 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 Odense - 26/10-24 DM Finale Amateur fight - b-class Bantamweight: -61,2 kg (135 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.19 Aalborg - 18/05-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: -70.3 kg (155 lbs.)
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https://t Middleweight Professional fight Yannick Bahati (UTC) vs. Tihamer Lore (Team Dragons) - FIGHT UK 6
25th February, 2012, Athena Leicester.
Pertarungan sengit antara Marton Tampubolon dari Wushu Sanda DKI melawan Marton Tampubolon dari SMAC Samarinda di partai perbaikan peringkat kelas Feather Weight. SUBSCRIBE One Pride Official Youtub
Jakarta, - One Pride MMA 84 King Size New #9 Bandung Bantamweight Bout edisi kali ini mempertemukan Asep Abdul Rohman Vs Boido Simanjuntak dalam Partai Perbaikan Peringkat (Ranking Fight