Combat Challenge 11 James Donnelly VS Alistair Hunter SHAREFIGHT COM
BCFC 5 Matt Savage VS Omar Frederick SHAREFIGHT.COM
TMAS White Collar Boxer 7 Cameron Darcy Vs Anthony Davis
Reps Retribution 3 - Joe Nazokatov VS Lewis Bond (AMA.B) SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 6 Samuel Sprotson VS David Tierney SHAREFIGHT.COM
Combat Contenders 3 - Joe Teesdale VS Kyle Brown - SHAREFIGHT.COM
You have to select 720p on the little cog at the bottom of the video window for High Definition.
Annihilation Series Danny Mallen VS Conor Long - SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 6 Kevin Fryer VS Jame Bray SHAREFIGHT.COM
UCC Manchester Mayhem 2 - Tautvydas Lileikis VS Ali Arish SHAREFIGHT.COM
Cage Fighters 5 - Ben Holdsworth VS Bon Pierre - (AMB) SHAREFIGHT.COM
Reps Retribution 3 - Antony Mcsally VS Brad Callahan (AMA.C) SHAREFIGHT.COM
Controlled Aggression Dave 'The Power' Toole VS 'Smooth' Sam Spencer SHAREFIGHT.COM