Clinton Fouse vs Ray Heredia - GC Unleashed
Rick Reger vs Kyle Davey
Rob Jackson vs Deutsch Puu
Josh Appelt vs Robert Laroski
Double knock out when two fighters bust through cage door at MMA fight
Reydon Romero vs Jessie Rafols
Felipe Enomoto vs. Ole Laursen
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Bae Young Kwon vs. Honorio Banario
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Rodrigo Ribeiro vs. Rustam Khabilov
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Soo Chul Kim vs. Gustavo Falciroli
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Rolles Gracie vs. Bob Sapp
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Zuli Silawanto vs. Agus Nanang
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Peter Davis vs. Ngabdi Mulyadi
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Irshaad Sayed vs. Jessie Rafols
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012
Raymond Tiew vs. Victorio Senduk
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012