Result | Event | Date |
Xavier Franklin defeated Mateo Gonzalez | PF 32 - Peak Fighting 32 | Oct 14, 2023 |
Result | Event | Date |
Xavier Franklin submitted Korey Sutcliffe | PF 30 - Peak Fighting 30 | Jul 15, 2023 |
Korey Sutcliffe defeated Mateo Gonzalez | PF 26 - Peak Fighting 26 | Feb 11, 2023 |
Date: Oct 14, 2023
Location: Commerica Center, Frisco, Texas, United States
Organization: Peak Fighting
Added: 09/07/2023
Updated: 09/30/2024 10:02 AM PST
Xavier Franklin (DWCS) vs Isaiah Gutierrez at PFC SS2 Xavier Franklin got the TKO finish early in the second round and successfully defended his title. Franklin is schedule to fight for a UFC contra watch video >>
Korey Sutcliffe vs Xavier Franklin at PFC 30 in Frisco, Tx Download the app today! AppStore: Google Play: watch video >>
PF17 Moises Oropeza VS Mateo Gonzalez watch video >>