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Souk Kampasath vs Komon Deh II

Souk Kampasath

(11 - 13 - 1)
37 years old
5' 3" (160 cm) tall
Login to update reach

28 mma fights
28 pro fights
0 other fights

fighting for 13 years
last fought 266 days ago
fought in 59 rounds

finished 9 opponents
knocked out 1 opponents
0 TKO wins
submitted 8 opponents
won 3 decisions
won 2 unanimous decisions
won 1 split decisions

got finished 10 times
1 KO losses
5 TKO losses
4 submission losses
5 decision losses
3 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Komon Deh

(14 - 10, 1 NC)
40 years old
5' 6" (167.6 cm) tall
Login to update reach

30 mma fights
28 pro fights
2 other fights

fighting for 13 years
last fought 288 days ago
fought in 70 rounds

finished 7 opponents
knocked out 0 opponents
3 TKO wins
submitted 4 opponents
won 9 decisions
won 8 unanimous decisions
won 1 split decisions

got finished 8 times
0 KO losses
3 TKO losses
5 submission losses
5 decision losses
5 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Previous Fights

Result Event Date
Komon Deh defeated Souk Kampasath The King of Fighters - KOF 2 Dec 01, 2023

The King of Fighters - KOF 2

Date: Dec 01, 2023
Location: Le Kindarena, Rouen, France
Organization: The King of Fighters
Added: 11/23/2023