Result | Event | Date |
Mikey Conlon submitted Owen Beining | Combat Night - Combat Night Pro 22 | Jun 05, 2021 |
Date: Jun 05, 2021
Location: The Scottish Rite, Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Organization: Combat Night (Florida)
Added: 05/06/2021
Updated: 07/27/2024 02:17 PM PST
Catchweight (165lb) MMA bout in Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg between James Lawson (0-4) and Mikey Conlon (1-0). Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a pl watch video >>
Combat Night Pro in Tallahassee featured the much anticipated Pro debut of a Combat Nighht Ammy Champ Mikey Conlon as he faced off with Shane Mason in this Catchweight (165lb)bout. Combat Night is t watch video >>
The Main event from Combat Night Orlando last summer was an absolute banger! Walter Zelaya and Mikey Conlon faced off with the Lightweight (155lb) MMA Title on the line! Combat Night is the premier watch video >>
An absolute banger from Combat Night Pro DUVAL as John Michael Morea and Mikey Conlon throw down in this 145lb Kickboxing bout! Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, p watch video >>