Result | Event | Date |
Akhmed Salamov submitted Mehdad Kavand | LFL 3 - Levels Fight League 3 | Oct 10, 2021 |
Date: Oct 10, 2021
Location: Netherlands
Organization: Levels Fight League
Added: 09/10/2021
Updated: 08/05/2024 01:47 AM PST
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Un combat ultra engagé, et riche en rebondissements ! ?? Visionnez le combat complet Bourama Camara vs Mehdad Kavand, à l'HEXAGONE MMA 12, à Alkmaar, aux Pays Bas ?? ?? Restez connectés ! ?? SUIVEZ watch video >>
Robert Valentin and Akhmed Salamov will leave it all in the ARENA at #ARES4???? ?? 10% discount on the #ARES4 ticketing ?? watch video >>
Name of Promotion: Cage Survivor Name of Event: Cage Survivor 13 Date: 07.04.2019 Place: Arena George Tsogkas City: Aspropirgos Attikis Country: Greece George Kosmidis (0-0-0,Greece) vs. Akhmed watch video >>