Result | Event | Date |
Luiz Paulo Barbosa finished Jean Felipe Souza | JF - Jungle Fight 123 | Dec 16, 2023 |
Date: Dec 16, 2023
Location: Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Organization: Jungle Fight
Added: 12/04/2023
Updated: 12/20/2023 04:02 PM PST
Another category that had a defined challenger was flyweight. In the third-to-last fight of the night, Luiz Paulo Barbosa had a great fight against Jean Bugs Bunny. The duel was defined in the second watch video >>
The MiƩcimo da Silva gym exploded when Tiago Pereira reached the knockout at 2min21s of the fourth round in the main event of Jungle Fight 117, in Campo Grande, in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. Bo watch video >>