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Jalen Merrell vs Justin Budd II

Jalen Merrell


29 years old
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3 mma fights
0 pro fights
3 other fights

fighting for 6 years
last fought 2044 days ago
fought in 3 rounds

finished 1 opponents
knocked out 0 opponents
0 TKO wins
submitted 1 opponents
won 0 decisions
won 0 unanimous decisions
won 0 split decisions

got finished 2 times
0 KO losses
1 TKO losses
1 submission losses
0 decision losses
0 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Justin Budd

28 years old
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14 mma fights
3 pro fights
11 other fights

fighting for 6 years
last fought 106 days ago
fought in 24 rounds

finished 10 opponents
knocked out 3 opponents
3 TKO wins
submitted 4 opponents
won 2 decisions
won 0 unanimous decisions
won 2 split decisions

got finished 2 times
1 KO losses
0 TKO losses
1 submission losses
0 decision losses
0 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Previous Fights

Result Event Date
Justin Budd submitted Jalen Merrell Walkout FC 13 - New Era Oct 27, 2018

Walkout FC 12 - Battle at the Crossing

Date: Sep 15, 2018
Location: Kansas Crossing Casino, Pittsburg, Kansas, United States
Organization: Walkout Fighting Championship
Added: 08/16/2018