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Ilias Bulaid vs Georges Sasu II

Ilias Bulaid

(2 - 0)
29 years old
Login to update height
Login to update reach

7 mma fights
7 pro fights
0 other fights

fighting for 5 years
last fought 43 days ago
fought in 15 rounds

finished 4 opponents
knocked out 1 opponents
3 TKO wins
submitted 0 opponents
won 3 decisions
won 2 unanimous decisions
won 1 split decisions

got finished 0 times
0 KO losses
0 TKO losses
0 submission losses
0 decision losses
0 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Georges Sasu

(4 - 1)
27 years old
5' 8" (172.7 cm) tall
Login to update reach

8 mma fights
7 pro fights
1 other fights

fighting for 9 years
last fought 681 days ago
fought in 19 rounds

finished 2 opponents
knocked out 1 opponents
0 TKO wins
submitted 1 opponents
won 3 decisions
won 2 unanimous decisions
won 1 split decisions

got finished 1 times
0 KO losses
0 TKO losses
1 submission losses
2 decision losses
1 unanimous decision losses
1 split decisions losses

Previous Fights

Result Event Date
Ilias Bulaid defeated Georges Sasu Bellator 270 - Queally vs. Pitbull 2 Nov 05, 2021

Bellator 270 - Queally vs. Pitbull 2

Date: Nov 05, 2021
Location: 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
Organization: Bellator MMA
Added: 10/06/2021
Updated: 02/19/2025 03:32 PM PST

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