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Diarmuid O'Buachalla vs Andreeas Binder III

Diarmuid O'Buachalla

(1 - 2, 1 NC)
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8 mma fights
5 pro fights
3 other fights

fighting for 8 years
last fought 1841 days ago
fought in 11 rounds

finished 2 opponents
knocked out 0 opponents
1 TKO wins
submitted 1 opponents
won 1 decisions
won 0 unanimous decisions
won 1 split decisions

got finished 4 times
2 KO losses
2 TKO losses
0 submission losses
0 decision losses
0 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Andreeas Binder

28 years old
6' 0" (182.9 cm) tall
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20 mma fights
12 pro fights
8 other fights

fighting for 9 years
last fought 104 days ago
fought in 47 rounds

finished 11 opponents
knocked out 3 opponents
5 TKO wins
submitted 3 opponents
won 4 decisions
won 2 unanimous decisions
won 2 split decisions

got finished 2 times
0 KO losses
0 TKO losses
2 submission losses
2 decision losses
2 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Previous Fights

Result Event Date
Diarmuid O'Buachalla vs. Andreeas Binder CW 36 - Clan Wars 36 Oct 12, 2019
Andreeas Binder knocked out Diarmuid O'Buachalla CC 3 - Cage Conflict 3: Unrivalled Mar 07, 2020

CC 3 - Cage Conflict 3: Unrivalled

Date: Mar 07, 2020
Location: The Devinish Complex, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Organization: Cage Conflict
Added: 02/06/2020
Updated: 08/24/2018 05:57 AM PST

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