Result | Event | Date |
Colton Loud knocked out Jett Shell | PF 27 - Peak Fighting 27 | Mar 11, 2023 |
Date: Mar 11, 2023
Location: Comercia Center, Frisco, Texas, United States
Organization: Peak Fighting
Added: 03/09/2023
Updated: 09/10/2024 03:02 PM PST
Colton Loud vs Devon Jackson at PFC 30 in Frisco, Tx. Lots of controversy around the stoppage of this fight? What do you think? Did the ref make the right call? Follow us! IG: https://www.instagram watch video >>
Geena Lucille brings you the betting odds for PFC 34's co-main event, Colton Loud vs Jesse Tafoya ?? This card is stacked from start to finish! Tickets and PPV are available now at www.peakfighting. watch video >>