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Ali Wasuk vs Abdul Kamara

Ali Wasuk

(1 - 1)
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24 mma fights
13 pro fights
11 other fights

fighting for 10 years
last fought 58 days ago
fought in 71 rounds

finished 6 opponents
knocked out 0 opponents
0 TKO wins
submitted 6 opponents
won 11 decisions
won 8 unanimous decisions
won 3 split decisions

got finished 4 times
0 KO losses
3 TKO losses
1 submission losses
3 decision losses
3 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

Abdul Kamara

(2 - 0)
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16 mma fights
10 pro fights
6 other fights

fighting for 9 years
last fought 279 days ago
fought in 42 rounds

finished 7 opponents
knocked out 1 opponents
0 TKO wins
submitted 6 opponents
won 3 decisions
won 3 unanimous decisions
won 0 split decisions

got finished 3 times
1 KO losses
2 TKO losses
0 submission losses
3 decision losses
2 unanimous decision losses
0 split decisions losses

BFL 63 - Battlefield Fight League

Date: Sep 21, 2019
Location: Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Organization: Battlefield Fight League
Added: 08/22/2019