Michael Bisping to GSP: 'I'm Gonna Really Enjoy Making You Quit' | MMAWeekly.com

Michael Bisping has talked often about making the biggest payday of his career when he faces Georges St-Pierre at UFC 217 but the money he makes won’t count for much if he doesn’t walk out with the middleweight title around his waist.

Bisping fought long and hard to finally become champion and he has no desire to give up that belt no matter how much cash he stands to make by facing St-Pierre in his first fight back in nearly four years when they clash on Nov. 4.

While Bisping will never deny that fighting St-Pierre will result in a very nice windfall for him financially, his focus has always remained on winning and defending his title for the second consecutive time.

He’s not so sure that St-Pierre is quite as concerned with winning compared to the money he’ll make for just showing up that night in Madison Square Garden.

“While filming promo stuff for UFC 217 Georges St-Pierre said I don’t mind losing if I make money,” Bisping wrote on Instagram.

“Georges — you are even more stupid than you sound. Does this look like the face of a man that’s happy to lose? I’m gonna really enjoy making you quit!”

Bisping has obviously endured more than his fair share of tough losses throughout his career, which is probably why he appreciates his status as champion even more now than he would have several years ago.

From the sound of things, Bisping is keeping his focus solely on winning against St-Pierre first and then worrying about the paycheck he’ll receive after the hard work is done and he has another title defense on his resume.

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