Add ‘NFL Cheerleader’ to the List of People Who Say They Can Beat Ronda Rousey

Add ‘NFL Cheerleader’ to the List of People Who Say They Can Beat Ronda Rousey


Ask around. There’s probably a few people you know who aren’t into MMA but know about Ronda Rousey. Take a deeper look into that group of friends, acquaintances, family, pets, aliens and so on, and you’ll probably come across at least one who says “I can beat Ronda Rousey.”

And if you don’t want to take the time to dig through your phone’s contacts for that person, just watch this video of an NFL cheerleader who’s joining the I-can-beat-Rousey movement.

Meet Houston Texans cheerleader Antonieta Osuna. She used to be a boxer and said last weekend that she’d like to fight Rousey, and even added that she has a game plan to beat her. The crazy thing is the game plan sounds a lot like James Toney’s plan to beat Randy Couture. And we all remember how that worked out for him.

So we can add cheerleader to the group that includes Laila Ali, Floyd Mayweather fans, average Joe, your drunk college roommate, your girlfriend, the girl you wish was your girlfriend, probably a nun somewhere, and all other types of characters. Good luck to all of you in your quest to beat Ronda. Something tells us you won’t have any luck.

To the footage!

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