Old School MMA Review - UFC Ultimate Ultimate 1996, Part 2
- Posted by uber on Aug 12, 2014
The Old School MMA Review continues their review of a huge milestone from the SEG UFC era - the Ultimate Ultimate '96!
In the second part of this review, after Zane Simon snores during The Fight Nerd's display of bootleg DVD's and official Panther Video collection, we get back to the epic one-night tournament that took place on December 7, 1996 in Alabama. Picking up at the start of the second round of the brackets featuring Don Frye VS Mark Hall in one of the most well-known and acknowledged fixed fights in UFC history, as well as Tank Abbott coining the term "Nelmarked" as he faces alternate Steve Nelmark in one of the most vicious knockouts ever. We also get lots of filler that Zuffa has hidden from the masses (an amazing Scott Ferrozzo promo in the style of Ric Flair and so much Dan Severn hype that I thought Jeff Blatnick might explode), plus the thrilling conclusion to this huge tournament, and the official end of an era as the UFC announces that they are done with the eight-man