Registrations FAQ

Registrations information.
  • Q: How do I join the website?
    A: Use our Sign Up page to become a member of our website.
  • Q: Is my private information secure?
    A: Yes. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.
  • Q: What is the difference between a user name and display name?
    A: User name is what you use to log in to the website. Display name is what the public sees as your name in the website. We do this protect your account.
  • Q: How do I log in?
    A: The login link can be found on the top right corner of every page.
  • Q: How do I log out?
    A: The log out link can be found on the top right corner of every page when you are logged in.
  • Q: How do I recover my password?
    A: Use our Recover Password form to recover your password. You must know the email you use when you signed up.
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