Profile FAQ

Profile information.
  • Q: How do I edit my profile?
    A: Visit your Edit Profile page in your Control Panel while logged in. Use the Edit Profile form. Click the Edit button, make your changes, then click update.
  • Q: How do I change my avatar or icon?
    A: Visit your Edit Profile page in your Control Panel while logged in. Use the Update Avatar/Icon form. You the browse button to find your image. The image must be less than 1MB in size. Click the update button to upload your image and update your avatar.
  • Q: How do I delete my avatar or icon?
    A: Visit your Edit Profile page in your Control Panel while logged in. Click the delete button on the Update Avatar/Icon form to remove your avatar.
  • Q: Why can't I see my new avatar or icon?
    A: Make sure you refreshed your browser to see your new avatar or icon.
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