Fighter Contributions FAQ

Fighter contributions questions.
  • Q: Can I add a fighter?
    A: No. We add new fighters at the end of every month.
  • Q: How do I update a fighter?
    A: Find or search the fighter in the fighter section. Click the fighter name to view the fighter's profile. Click the edit link in their profile and make the changes. You must be a registered user and logged in to do this.
  • Q: When do my updates get approved?
    A: Your updates will be approved when enough users approve your changes or when the administrator approves it.
  • Q: How do I view my fighter contributions?
    A: Visit your Fighter Contributions page in your Control Panel while logged in.
  • Q: How do I view my pending fighter contributions?
    A: Visit your Pending Fighter Contributions page in your Control Panel while logged in.
  • Q: How do I cancel my fighter contribution?
    A: Visit your Pending Fighter Contributions page in your Control Panel while logged in. Find the fighter contribution you want to cancel, click the Cancel link, then confirm.
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